Defender Steel Toe Shoes For Men
Top and bottom shown: Pair of black Defender Shoes 800 x 800
Side-view of black Defender Shoe 800 x 800
linear-gradient(120deg, rgba(66,89,37,1) 50%, rgba(41,41,43,1) 50%);
emerald Defender Shoe Side-View 800 x 800
linear-gradient(120deg, rgba(167,167,167,1) 50%, rgba(41,41,43,1) 50%);
Concrete Defender Shoes 800 x 800
linear-gradient(120deg, rgba(76,75,79,1) 50%, rgba(41,41,43,1) 50%);
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Defender Steel Toe Shoes For Men
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Top and bottom shown: Pair of black Defender Shoes 800 x 800
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Side-view of black Defender Shoe 800 x 800
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, linear-gradient(120deg, rgba(66,89,37,1) 50%, rgba(41,41,43,1) 50%);
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, emerald Defender Shoe Side-View 800 x 800
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, linear-gradient(120deg, rgba(167,167,167,1) 50%, rgba(41,41,43,1) 50%);
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Concrete Defender Shoes 800 x 800
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, linear-gradient(120deg, rgba(76,75,79,1) 50%, rgba(41,41,43,1) 50%);


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$ 83.95
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الأحذية الأكثر متانة.

لقد صممنا أحذيتنا ذات مقدمة القدم الفولاذية - أحذية لا تقهر - لإيقاف كل ما يأتي في طريقها. كل ذلك في حين أنه خفيف ومريح مثل حذاء الجري. هذه أحذية متينة للغاية ، حيث إنها مقاومة للصدمات ، ولها نعل مقاوم للأظافر ومقاوم للثقب. مع ميزات مثل إصبع القدم الفولاذي ومقاومة الانزلاق ، فإن تركيبة فريدة من الميزات خفيفة الوزن تجعلها مثالية لأعمال البناء والنجارة والعمل اليدوي.

تصميم إصبع من الفولاذ المقاوم للتأثير.

جميع الأحذية المصنوعة من الحذاء الذي لا يقهر مصنوعة من الفولاذ عالي الكثافة المصنوع لتدوم طويلاً. تمتع براحة البال عندما تعلم أنه في حالة وقوع حادث ، فإن أصابع قدمك آمنة و محمي في العمل.

Front view of a person attempting to step on nails 480 x 480

نعل مقاوم للأظافر من KEVLAR.

جميع أحذيتنا مصنوعة من الكيفلار من الدرجة العسكرية المنسوجة في نعلها. يتطلب الأمر قوة أكبر بكثير من زوج أحذية العمل العادي لأي شيء يمر عبر أحذيتنا. هذه الأحذية المقاومة للثقب مثالية للأعمال الخطرة حول أشياء مثل الزجاج المكسور الخطير والأظافر الحادة!

Person holding sole demonstrating its flexibility 480 x 480

ضوء فائق ومرن.

لا يقهر حذاء Invincible Shoes ™ بوزن أقل من رطل واحد لكل حذاء ، ولن يتسبب في آلام قدميك بعد أيام طويلة من العمل . تساعد تقنيتنا خفيفة الوزن أيضًا على تشتيت وزن جسمك ، لذلك على عكس أحذية الكيفلر الثقيلة ، نحافظ على توازنك والشعور بالرشاقة طوال اليوم.
Legs dangling off of cliff with emerald Defender Shoes.

متعددة الاستخدامات وأنيقة.

صُممت أحذيتنا لتكون متعددة الأغراض وتتفوق في كل ما تفعله . استخدمها للأحذية الرياضية وأحذية العمل وكل شيء بينهما. كما أنها تبدو رائعة وتشعر بأنها رائعة ، مما يكسبك مجاملات مستمرة بغض النظر عن مكان وجودك.

مخطط الحجم

يرجى الرجوع إلى مخطط الحجم قبل شراء . نوصي بطلب مقاس حذائك القياسي باستخدام علامة تجارية مثل Nike كمثال.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2536 reviews
Patwan Z.

Work at Fedex and run through shoes about every 6 months. Ive tried several different brands and didnt mind paying whatever as long as the shoes were comfortable Ive tried, Keen ( 3 different models they have at a cost of around 140 each ), Danner, Red Wing, etc. Im only writing this review to help others who have gone through the same experiences I have. Obviously we all dont have the same size feet. Im 6'4 with regular size 12. These shoes are the Sh$t. Seriously these things might change your life. Best part,,,,, Fedex paid for them I didnt pay anything but I would happily pay on my own if I had too. Seriously theyre worth trying out.

Lauren P.

These shoes have changed my life. Seriously they are amazing.

I work in a distribution center as a mechanic so i am on my feet running all day on a concrete surface and learned very quickly that normal shoes just won't cut it. My feet were throbbing every single day after work until i purchased these shoes.

The insoles are very very comfortable and have yet to lose any of their comfort at all.

The tread on the bottom is also very durable and has prevented me from slipping several times in hydrologic fluid leaks.

The shoes themselves are very durable and take a beating like no other and keep on going and the fit is just right (very hard to find with size 15 foot) i have no aches or pains in my feet at the end of the day anymore and will for sure be purchasing another pair in the future.

Quick side note: these shoes break in really fast took maybe half a work day (6hrs) to break in.

Jeff B.

I work in a hardware store, these shoes have dramatically changed my job performance. With out fear of keeping my feet safe and comfortable my productivity has increased. The toe is strong enough to stop a pallet dropping and has been hit with at least 50 lbs at this point. Some seams are starting to spread, but a bit of superglue has fixed them. I normally only get 6 months per pair of shoes and these are holding up way better than others and are a steel (toe) for the price !

Marcus C.

Love these shoes!! I work at a hardware store and these keep me protected and comfortable all day! Great for work, but also comfy and stylish enough for everyday wear. These shoes have quickly become my favorite shoes and it's great to know they're built to last.

s P.
I Do Reccomend These

I wear a size 13, and have a semi-wide foot. I bought these to wear at work (paramedic, non-fire based). They fit perfectly. The sole is thin and flexible so you feel bumps under your foot like a light running shoe. It could use better grip, but it's not awful. The shoe overall is light and breathable like they claim. The shoe laces are elastic making for easy on/off between calls (who am I kidding, there is no "in between" calls). They feel a little insecure (loose) but haven't had a single incident when they've slipped this first month of wear, might fix it with regular string laces. The insole is paper thin, expect to buy a new set with some padding. I don't feel the need for ankle support, so for the price of one decent work boot I could get two pairs of these with new insoles and be very happy.

Raja R.A.K.
Great 4 Work.

Like that they are light comfortable and have lasted longer than other brands I've tried in the past I'm a heavy guy 268lbs 6.4" i work on cars every day shoes take the beating and the chemicals every day still intact will buy another pair wen they give out

Quang H.

WOW! All I can say is these shoes have far exceeded my expectations. I walk on concrete for 40-50hrs a week and require a steel toe shoe/boot. For most of my career I have worn Red Wing boots and finally decided to try out something different. A few others have mentioned that it takes a day or so break them in and at first I felt that the toe area was a little tight but within the first week they felt perfect. Extremely soft and comfortable and Ive had noticeably less foot fatigue. Will definitely buy again when they wear out.

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